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 {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god

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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 20:42

nom, prénom
" hello, hello, how low ?. "

NOM(S)Bruce PRÉNOMSDesmond, Lennyi SURNOMSOh oui ! Oh oui ! encore ! {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 1189120589 DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCEStockholm, 25/09 ÂGE27 ans NATIONALITÉSuédo-Américain MÉTIER/ETUDESBarmani SITUATION FINANCIÈREécrire ici STATUT CIVILcélibataire. GROUPEBloody Bloody Red AVATARBen Barnes EST-IL UN SCÉNARIO/PRÉDÉFINIS ? ∞ écrire ici CRÉDITS ∞ Marvelaryi

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Aidhàn N. Collins

Aidhàn N. Collins
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_me0xukSJwc1ryddha
postes : 1240
avatar : Sebastian Stan
votre autre vous : Ethaninou J. Wildounet
âge du personnage : 28 ans
date d'arrivée : 31/12/2012
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 20:49

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846 {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846
Fais moi penser à faire un bébé à Queeny pour la remercier {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846
NON MAIS SÉRIEUX QUOI {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071 BARNES {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071 Excellent choix {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846

Bienvenu parmi nous, si besoin l'administration est la pour toi {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071 et bonne chance pour ta fiche :D
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Gabrielle Fitzgerald

Gabrielle Fitzgerald
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_mhm3xsNg2n1rl6s6ro9_500
postes : 437
avatar : Jennifer Morrison
votre autre vous : Mon autre moi ? Non, mais je n'ai qu'une personnalité et toute ma tête, merci.
âge du personnage : Vingt-huit ans
date d'arrivée : 30/12/2012
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 20:53

Welcome {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071 Ben bave
Bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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Grace Gauthier

Grace Gauthier
postes : 151
avatar : Emilie de Ravin
votre autre vous : personne
âge du personnage : 26 ans
date d'arrivée : 31/12/2012
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 21:49

D. Lenny Bruce a écrit:
statut : Awesome 8D ? (célibataire)
oh punaise {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 13909970 {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 13909970 ça m'a tuée ça
Bienvenue parmi nous ! Et puis Ben Barnes quoi {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846 qu'il est beau {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2692527104
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Queen E. Wellington

Queen E. Wellington
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 458558petit1
postes : 802
date d'arrivée : 30/12/2012
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyVen 18 Jan - 16:38

MON LOULOU D'AMOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR que j'aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 3209671710 {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846 {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846
Je t'aimais déjà mais là c'est pire & puis avoues t'as fait exprès de prendre Ben pour me faire succomber {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 3265981769 bave Merciiii encore d'être venu mon loulou coeur


&& Aidhàn j'attend de voir ça tient {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 3265981769
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Daniel Lombardi

Daniel Lombardi
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_mgimdhAQbW1qbmrdko1_250
postes : 26
avatar : Antony Starr
âge du personnage : 34 ans
date d'arrivée : 14/01/2013
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyVen 18 Jan - 17:34

Excellent choix de vava ^^ Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fichounette =)
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Ezreal C. Collins

Ezreal C. Collins
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_m747t4qRnK1rt2mrqo1_500
postes : 59
avatar : Julian Morris
date d'arrivée : 16/01/2013
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptySam 19 Jan - 10:48

BEN AAZSDFGHJKLM MARRY ME YOU BEAUTIFUL ! {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 4020398583 {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 4020398583
bienvenue en passant ehehehehehe dance
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Samuel Collins

Samuel Collins
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_mcwpuipKkg1qgpqtmo1_250
postes : 483
avatar : colin o'donoghue.
âge du personnage : trente ans.
date d'arrivée : 09/01/2013
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptySam 19 Jan - 11:26

Je plussoie tous ce qu'il a été dit plus haut. coeur
Ben est vraiment parfait et trop rarement vu. {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 4020398583 En prime, Desmond, c'est un prénom d'enfer. {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 3209671710 Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche en tout cas. {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071
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Aelísia Cartwright

Aelísia Cartwright
postes : 144
avatar : holland roden.
date d'arrivée : 03/01/2013
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptySam 19 Jan - 11:34

BAAAAAARNES {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071
j'sais pas pourquoi mais je croyais que t'étais un collins {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 13909970 {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 13909970
bienvenue {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 2200539846
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E. Hayden Johnson

E. Hayden Johnson
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_lxmx8bxOEp1qlpk9eo1_500
postes : 62
avatar : Louis Tomlinson
votre autre vous : Anyone
âge du personnage : 20 YO
date d'arrivée : 09/01/2013
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptySam 19 Jan - 17:04

bienvenue ^^
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❝ Invité
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyDim 20 Jan - 17:10

merci tout le monde ^^ , elle ne m'avais donc pas menti vous avez l'air sympas {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 1189120589
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Queen E. Wellington

Queen E. Wellington
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 458558petit1
postes : 802
date d'arrivée : 30/12/2012
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyDim 20 Jan - 17:37

Bin dis aussi que j'ai l'habitude de mentir {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 686204330
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyDim 20 Jan - 17:49

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 248604097 (comment me sortir de ce pétrin ...) {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 4020398583 .... voilà t'es contente ? {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 1189120589
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Queen E. Wellington

Queen E. Wellington
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 458558petit1
postes : 802
date d'arrivée : 30/12/2012
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyDim 20 Jan - 17:53

je préfère oui, t'as plutôt intérêt de te rattraper plus que ça {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 783626958 What a Face coeur
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R. Lilya Cerwyn

R. Lilya Cerwyn
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_m0lv5vyE6M1rr8u5co1_500
postes : 54
avatar : Camilla Belle
votre autre vous : Juste moi & Moi
âge du personnage : 28 ans
date d'arrivée : 09/01/2013
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyDim 20 Jan - 19:12

Citation :
Statut : Awesome 8D ? (célibataire)

Ahaha pas mal xD

Sinon bienvenue Chexy Barnes {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 3265981769
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Bowie David

Bowie David
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_mhmi8cZq5S1qdstzeo1_500
postes : 307
avatar : Karen Godess Gillan
âge du personnage : 23
date d'arrivée : 01/01/2013
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyDim 20 Jan - 19:49

Hello sexy {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 1095199719
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Asher Quincey

Asher Quincey
postes : 30
avatar : shia labeouf
date d'arrivée : 19/01/2013
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyLun 21 Jan - 15:58

Bienvenue I love you
& bonne chance pour ta fiche :)
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Lilou Bellerose

Lilou Bellerose
postes : 118
avatar : emma watson.
âge du personnage : vingt deux ans.
date d'arrivée : 29/12/2012
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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyLun 21 Jan - 19:00

BARNES {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071
bienvenue sur le forum
& bonne chance pour ta fiche coeur
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Samuel Collins

Samuel Collins
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Tumblr_mcwpuipKkg1qgpqtmo1_250
postes : 483
avatar : colin o'donoghue.
âge du personnage : trente ans.
date d'arrivée : 09/01/2013
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyLun 28 Jan - 9:19

Hey you. I love you

Ton délais pour l'écriture de ta fiche viens d'expirer. Nous allons donc déplacer ta présentation vers les fiches abandonnées. Tu disposes d'un jour pour nous donner de tes nouvelles sinon, nous serons contraint de te considérer comme inactif et nous nous verrons obligés de supprimer ton compte. {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 174662343 Un délai supplémentaire peut pourtant t'être accordé si nécessaire. {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 3597615130
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Queen E. Wellington

Queen E. Wellington
{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 458558petit1
postes : 802
date d'arrivée : 30/12/2012
fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god EmptyLun 28 Jan - 12:12

il m'a parlé hier soir & il recommence tout à zéro ^^ Donc je pense que ça voulait dire "Je peux avoir un délai sup' s'il vous plait" {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 13909970 Je remettrais sa fiche en place si il me redemande ne t'inquiètes pas {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god 388342071
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fait le caméléon

{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty
MessageSujet: Re: {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god   {BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god Empty

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{BARNES} - I've heard song of the thunder, the song, when i was god

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